Welcome to the USS Stardancer!
The Federation is in a state of cold war with a faction in a newly discovered region of space, the Dominion. Diplomatic relations are still active but many fear that the Federation who has not been to war in centuries may go to war once again.
Starfleet is rapidly mobilizing its ships and troops. Pulling in reservists and Sophmore, Junior and Senior Cadets to fight the good fight. But Starfleet has been at peace for far too long, the military keeps falling over itself, trying to protect a vast galactic alliance with different cultures and regions.
At Earth Starfleet Academy. Lessons and exams are cut short, and cadet cruises are ready to test the officers of tomorrow. The USS Stardancer, the last non-refitted Excelsior Class in service is waiting to carry out her last cadet cruise before heading to the front lines.
ST:Stardancer is a 2-2-2 Simm, Vaillant / Equinox themed simm. Hosted by Zodiac Fleet

Swearing is permitted, with some limitations. Sexual content is permitted, with some limitations. Violence is permitted, with some limitations.
Latest Mission Posts
» Meeting the Chief Engingeer
Mission: **ARCHIVED** 1 - Cruising through the galaxy
Posted on Sun Jan 14th, 2024 @ 10:38am by Captain Grace Stark
As the day dragged on, Grace still had many more Cadets to interview about their plans to lead their department. The fat woman sat on the sofa that lined the inner pink wall of her pink-carpeted office, picture frames of her family covered a section of her desk where the…
» Raising the Anchor
Mission: **ARCHIVED** 1 - Cruising through the galaxy
Posted on Sun Jan 14th, 2024 @ 10:35am by Captain Grace Stark & Cadet Senior Grade Donto Ros & Captain Erich Von Klinkerhoffen
Grace's fingers drummed on the armrests of her beige chair which was in the middle of the bustling command centre, cadets glowed with excitement mixed with stress while the more senior members of Starfleet, the instructors were just glad to be away from Earth, away from the never-ending reports of…
» Night Cap
Mission: **ARCHIVED** 1 - Cruising through the galaxy
Posted on Fri Nov 17th, 2023 @ 10:40pm by Cadet Senior Grade Toareth Darqa & Cadet Senior Grade René Rouen
"Is it OK if I were to ask for a full glass of that wine?" she asked Rene.
"Of course." He was a bit surprised by the request. He reminded himself to be mindful of his promise. He uncorked the bottle to allow the wine to breathe. He's stepped towards…
» Listening in the Whisper
Mission: **ARCHIVED** 1 - Cruising through the galaxy
Posted on Tue Nov 7th, 2023 @ 9:20pm by Cadet Senior Grade René Rouen & Cadet Senior Grade Toareth Darqa
Too many times had things like this happened. So much so, that it felt almost second nature. Thankfully though, this was a pleasant event and, so far, filled with pleasing moments. The thing, of course, was Toareth walking, arm in arm, with another, in this case, René as they ventured…
» Counselling Woes
Mission: **ARCHIVED** 1 - Cruising through the galaxy
Posted on Tue Oct 31st, 2023 @ 6:29pm by Cadet Senior Grade Bellona Juventus & Cadet Sophomore Grade Aenardha Sh'vastarth
There was one thing that Bellona dreaded about ship life: the psychiatric assessments. Medical checkups she could do; most doctors were kind enough to make their scans as expedient as possible and let her go back to duty. Counsellors, on the other hand, took their time asking her questions she…