1. Please be respectable and kind to everyone, we have a zero-tolerance policy for people who choose to cause drama and/or harassment of any kind. We believe in restorative justice and developing a mutual understanding before removal from the game. We follow Wil Wheaton’s Law: don’t be a dick.
2. We only allow players over the age of 16 to join this simulation due to the content contained in posts.
3. We are a collaborative storyline, so please collaborate and write accordingly. Etiquette is important.
4. If an application is declined then the applicant could be subject to a reflect period where they will be temporarily banned for a max 30 days.
5. All posts should be written in the novel/story format. Script is not allowed.
6. We are a 2-2-2 rated simm
(Swearing is permitted, with some limitations. Sexual content is permitted, with some limitations. Violence is permitted, with some limitations.)
7. Members of the GMs are admins, their words are law
7A. Including Fleet Staff
8. Characters will be your own, not pirated from other games and must not be related to canon characters (e.g. Kirk)
9. Players are permitted a max of 3 NPCs. Send an overview to the Game Manager to review and approve.