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It's Miller Time

Posted on Thu Sep 21st, 2023 @ 6:01pm by Commander Kelly Miller & Captain Grace Stark

1,213 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: 0 - Assignment Day
Location: USS Stardancer

Captain Grace stood aboard her starship, standing in the airlock looking out across the jet bridge connecting Starbase 1's foot track to Stardancer, She had just seen her CO and well it didn't go down well. Now, it was time for her to get back into the mudd, she awaited Captain Miller who would serve as head of JAG attachment as well as a trusted advisor to the ship, they were to meet and discuss controlled assignments for each of the people under them.

Starbase 1 was even busier now as every Cadet was transferring belongings aboard to their ships, they didn't know how long their cadet cruise would last as that was under the Captain's discretion. Grace's mind wandered back to her days as a cadet and then her children's. How stressful as a mother that they were putting themself in danger but as an officer, people hear the call of duty.

Kelly was the first to arrive; the Cadets were being sequestered for now, while the Engineers and Ops people finished their final scans of the ship, and whatever else they did. Kelly had never interested herself in those things. She knew how to lead, and the law. That was basically it. She could keep a ship in the air-all senior officers had Bridge training, but if there was some kind of engineering or medical disaster, she was absolutely useless. She supposed that's why she was here at the acting XO and whatever else they'd expect her to do.

Kelly saluted on coming aboard. "Ma'am. Commander Kelly Miller," she said. This wasn't her first rodeo, coming aboard a Starship to supervise and educate Cadets in their final training before they went out into the real Fleet. "Good group of Cadets we have," she said, having read each and every file a few times, to ensure she didn't miss anything. "I usually like to bring them aboard, and do a little pep-talk while they're getting situated, then tour the boat, but, as they say, this is your circus!" She said. And a circus it always was until everyone was aboard, settled, and had begun their tasks.

" Not for long Kelly," Grace spoke softly, turning around and walking through the airlock and across the deck plating of her ship of 40-odd years with someone she knew beside her with no real destination set. "I'm retiring from the service after this cruise regardless of any war... And yeah the kids look more promising, Hopefully, no medical emergencies on survival assessments this time."

Kelly smiled tightly "Ah, retirement. I have a few years left myself," she said. She followed the woman across the airlock and onto the ship. "Well. If anything DOES happen, we just shove them out of this airlock, and "forget" the paperwork," she joked. " They do. I know a few of them from my classes. Smart kids. Coffee?" She stopped in front of a replicator-there was generally one in the main corridor.

"No thanks," Grace said watching Kelly's drink materialised. "We haven't been assigned an engineering instructor so I need to get back to Earth then find my new XO, get him to create a general report fit for the admiralty and hope we get a departure slot soon." She briefly took a brief pause while Kelly took a sip of her coffee, her mind was changing she wanted a drink but really didn't have time. "Oh, and we've been detoured to the Votha Station orbiting Deneb IV for some unknown reason so we've got to re-think your controlled scenario and mine." Grace finished by taking a brief and rubbing her brow. Oh, how so she longed for the days of exploration.

Kelly nodded. "Alright. I can handle whatever you need from me," she said. "Of course, my strengths are in the law but I do know other things," she said. She sipped the coffee and smiled. Perfect. "So. What's the first order of business?" She asked. She was nothing if not professional, even if she DID take a coffee break occasionally.

"Well," Grace started off with "We've got to create whole new controlled scenarios for the kids now we've been given Votha Station as it's on the edge of federation space... So let's start there, we're still permitted to the old Vulcan asteroid base in the Sakinth belt so a game of cat and mice, I don't think we have the time for find the Orion pirate captain, then Elnath II instead of Adhara III for a second catalogue mission. Haven't been since I catalogued it the first time in 2347. Whole new environment, I was hoping for your advice on JAG scenarios." The obese woman really couldn't wait for retirement, she lost interest in Starfleet a long time ago.

Kelly nodded. "Alright, sounds good. And sure, whatever you need. I will provide whatever guidance I can. I am aware of the new findings out in the Gamma Quadrant," she said. "We're monitoring it, too, from a legal standpoint," she said. She took the coffee, and then followed Grace. "Let's start!" She was ready to go. She was active and needed to move.

"I was thinking," Grace said as she moved aimlessly through the ship, up turbo shafts and down turbo shafts, across corridors and around. "We'll be on Elnath II so we'll be close to the Xondrots Trading Co. I understand they have been known in breaking employment laws... Fancy a trip?" Grace said with a sparkle in her eyes.

Kelly smiled. "Of course," she said. Interesting.

"Wonderful," Grace replied still leading with no destination, she rarely got to see her ship, most of the time she had to supervise the bridge cadets and make sure they didn't blow the ship up. "Of course for your safety, you'll need security I think we still Lt Featherstone from our last cruise with us... But your mission, pick any instructor to instruct the kids."

Kelly nodded. "Of course! Safety is important-we ARE redshirts, after all," she joked. She sipped more coffee. "I can do that. Is there a list or should I just use my contacts?" She had some ideas if it was the latter.

Grace couldn't help but smile at the joke but made her remember those militaristic 2290s uniform that was solely red... Maybe the red shirt curse was broken now? "I suggest you use your contacts but my contacts are ready to assist if needed," Grace said, most of her contacts were former crew on this high-millage ship that had moved to greener passages, some in Starfleet still, some in the Federation.

Kelly nodded. "I can do that," she said. "Got an office or something I can use?" She asked. She was used to that kind of work. Being a JAG, she didn't see much in the way of the actual ships ever.

"We still have a few dates before my XO is reporting in," Grace said "Have the XO's office or my office on campus." She was finally able to transfer her flag to her ship and not guest lecture at the academy which brought her great pleasure.

Kelly nodded. "Alright. You know how to reach me if needed. See you on launch day, I guess," she said, turning away. Grace wasn't a super chatty sort, was she?!


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