Meeting of the Minds
Posted on Thu Sep 28th, 2023 @ 1:24am by Cadet Senior Grade Toareth Darqa & Cadet Junior Grade Noxi Harrison
Edited on on Thu Sep 28th, 2023 @ 1:39pm
1,399 words; about a 7 minute read
**ARCHIVED** 0 - Assignment Day
Location: Counselor's Office
Timeline: Current
Toareth checked with the computer first to make sure Noxi was in. Yeah they were getting ready for a cadet cruise. Yeah they were going to be observed by their instructors and ranking officers. Yeah, they needed to treat this like any other real world situation. Yeah, Toareth was assigned to be the CMO of the cadet cruise so...yeah...Toareth needed to meet the rest of her staff. The rest of the crew fell a little bit lower on the list of priorities and would certainly come in time.
Toareth chimed away at the door to the counselor's office, letting the occupant know someone had come calling.
Noxi rose and opened the door. "Hello! Welcome to the Cadet Health Center," she said. "Cadet Lt. Noxi Harrison," she said. "Come in," she said, stepping aside to let her in. "What brings you here today?" She asked.
Toareth stepped in as Noxi motioned. “First of all,” she gave a wave and faked a smile, “Hi. Cadet Toareth Darqa. I am to be the cadet CMO aboard our cruise. So, I am sure we will be working a lot with each other.”
Noxi simply nodded. "Alright, come on in," she said, indicating a treatment room. "Do you want something to drink before we start? Coffee? Tea? Water?" The replicator in the medical area only issued a few things. "Hot coca!" She exclaimed. Her personal favorite. "Feel free to sit wherever you like. Or stand, whatever makes you the most comfortable." Noxi settled into an armchair herself, pulling out a PADD. "I just use this for my personal treatment notes. No one else will see it except me and Dr. Baxter, the officer in charge of me and the other cadet Counselors," she explained.
“I understand,” Toareth said. “Second,” and she was not really here for a session but she wanted to get a feeling for Noxi’s skills, “as you may know, I am El-Aurian. After spending about 30 years aboard a cramped transport vessel…” Toareth stepped to the side and toward a chair. She paused her words and wrung her hands together for effect. “…I have not been on board a starship for a prolonged duration since then. I guess I have a case of claustrophobia maybe?”
"Claustrophobia is definitely likely. Tell me what makes you anxious in particular? Is just the cramped space? The people?"
“Cramped space, I suppose,” Toareth said. “Though I am unsure of how big would be big enough. The people too I believe.” Noxi was good. Though she was progressing by the book, she had managed to get Toareth to admit to something she had no intention on admitting to. “You see, again,” Toareth pointed to herself, “El-Aurian, and as such, allowing myself to get close to someone always comes with the result of watching that person grow old. Think about it. We go on a five year mission. Everyone on board ages five years. And I barely seem to age 1 year. In 20 years you can retire. You may be an entire different person by then. And here I am having aged maybe 3 years in your eyes. Everyone going on this cruise, even the youngest cadet, will grow old and die before I start to even look older.” All of this was truthful. Toareth had not intended to be this open but it felt somewhat good to let it out. Something about Noxi, perhaps it was just the confidentiality, got Toar to open up. “I do not generally open up or relate to people.” Toareth stopped speaking. She had more to say but tangentially. She wanted to see what Noxi would return with.
Noxi nodded. "While I can't necessarily relate to your slow aging, I do think I can understand the worry that comes with being different. My heritage is Bajoran AND human. My mother survived the Occupation, and my father fought in the Dominion war. I never felt like I fit into either world. I am not quite Bajoran enough, and not quite human enough," she said. "My mother's family didn't care, but my father's did. They are very stuffy Europeans from Sol; from old money and a NAME," she said, with a slight eye-roll. "Sometimes, the kids were mean," she said. " an adult? Things are better. All we care about is if you can do your job and keep us alive awhile," she said. "I imagine it is difficult for you TO relate to younger people-as it should be. But maybe we can think of ways that it might be easier to have conversations with others. What do you like to do?" She asked. "I your free time. Like, what are your hobbies?"
'Research anatomy. Simulate dissection...vivisection. Study augmentation. The feel of a scalpel, a real scalpel, slicing into...' Toareth shook her head. "I enjoy reading. I find sometimes a nice long walk centers me. I...I really do not have many hobbies...that includes other people. I enjoy solitude but sometimes that too can be overwhelming. I find, sometimes, that being alone in a crowd is good medicine. El-Aurian empathic abilities...if someone's desires are strong enough, that feeling slips in there," she pointed to her head. "I cannot read thoughts mind you, just feel strong desires, pain, extreme happiness, a person's presence at least. Things like that. Even aboard a ship, even alone in my quarters, I can still feel those things. And sometimes, I do not want to."
Noxi nodded. "Work related hobbies are understandable, but reading is good! You could use that as an opener-ask someone what they've read lately," she said. "I understand that there are ways to block it, but you have to learn them, and actively practice them. I will talk to one of my instructors and see if they have any tips. In the meantime...perhaps try to think about it like this. Your ability to read people sometimes helps you to be a good doctor-you can sense their pain and know where to help them," she said. "That can be very useful, particularly if the patient is unconscious or otherwise incapacitated. I find sometimes that, if I reframe how I look at something, that can be helpful." She fell silent, letting Toareth take in her words.
"I get that," Toareth said, "and will take that to heart. Some of the I already do practice but I suppose I can put forth more effort here and there. To be truthful, I did not really come here for a session, though your words and insight are appreciated. I did want to see how you work; to see your methods. In that, I am impressed. I also wanted to introduce myself. Cadet Toareth Darqa. I will be accompanying you on the Cadet Cruise as the Cadet CMO."
Noxi smiled. "Thank you," she said, simply. "I don't care why you came, I am just glad you did. We will likely work together sometimes, so I am glad you came by to introduce yourself. My father is a CMO over at the USS Sarek-B," she said, "So I learned early, I guess. My mother is the Chief Science officer there, as well, though she's going to retire this year." Noxi was an info-dumper type of person. "I am glad my advice might help you. Can I do anything else for you today?" She asked. "We still have a bit of time before I have to move on to a different client!"
Toareth was shaking her head. "No, I do not have anything else, save for this. I know I cannot interject into your work but if you have a client who may have or you may suspect have something medically off about them, do recommend them to Sick Bay if you deem it necessary. Also," she almost stood but kept her seat, "I know you are the counselor but sometimes even you may need to talk. I've no training in counseling but I am an El-Aurian. You may know that we are a race of listeners. "So, if you ever need a listening ear..." then Toareth stood.
Noxi smiled. "I understand. Likewise, same. I know that sometimes, people shy away from Counseling. It will be nice for us to work together like that!!" She said. Thanks for coming by." She got to her feet. "I'll walk you out," she said.