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Mon Oct 23rd, 2023 @ 3:22am

Cadet Junior Grade Noxi Harrison

Name Noxi Harrison

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Cadet Junior Grade

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran/Human hybrid
Age 21

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11''
Weight 110 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Noxi is a tall woman of mixed Bajoran/Human descent. She has only three ridges on her nose, but is otherwise completely human in appearance.


Spouse None, engaged to Roger val Johnson, 22.
Children None
Father Dexter Harrison
Mother Roro Paki
Brother(s) Dexter, Jr. (Age 23)
Wart (Age 21, twin brother)

Sister(s) None
Other Family Mr. and Mrs. Roger and Renee val Johnson, Sr.
Future Mother and Father in Law

Karen val Johnson SIL future

Personality & Traits

General Overview Noxi is the middle child and only girl of her parents, human Dexter Harrison and Bajoran Roro-Harrison Paki. Her mother survived the Occupation, and served in the Bajoran Militia. Her parents met at DS9, where Paki was serving in that capacity. They were married after just 18 months, and Paki left the Militia because her husband, Noxi's father, got orders to the USS Santa Fe.

Noxi is a generally warm, caring person. She doesn't suffer from much in the way of traumas, but does have the usual quirks and idiosyncrasies that any person does.

Her fiancee is a human man of African-American descent, and this, at first, caused a bit of tension from her conservative parents, but they are now OK, and recognize the love union they have. They would like to have children soon.

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

-picks fights with her husband sometimes, publicly
-afraid of spiders
-is prone to pettiness with her female friends
Ambitions -To have a family someday
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies:

-Public affairs (gossip)

Personal History Noxi was born on DS21. Her father was the Chief Science Officer there, and her mother was a civilian Diplomat to Bajor. Her and her two brothers traveled the Universe thusly, moving from Starbase to Starship, and so on, as their parents served the Federation.

Her mother was a refugee during the Occupation of Bajor, and taught her children about the horrors they faced, so that they may remember and stand up for injustices happening to others. Her father's role in Starfleet also taught this to her-as a scientist, he had to work with many races and peoples, across vast planets, and taught his children the value of tolerance. She was able to take those lessons to heart.

Amongst her friends, she was always the one they went to for advice, wether with boys (or girls), or with their parents, or whatever. She listened honestly and earnestly, and did her best to give caring, helpful advice. It was in this way that her future as a counselor became clear-she'd always liked to help people, listen to their problems and help to solve them in a kind, caring manner.

She is engaged to Roger val Johnson, a Cadet Pilot. They plan to marry later this year in a small ceremony on Bajor, where her parents retired, after their graduation.
Service Record 2369 - 2373
Starfleet Academy
Major: Medicine
Minor: Psychology and Human Behavior
Certificated in Advanced field medicine and Jungian Psychology.