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After Hours

Posted on Thu Sep 28th, 2023 @ 1:59am by Cadet Senior Grade Ki'ana & Cadet Senior Grade Riaothren(Ren) ch'Shaorhs

1,826 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: 0 - Assignment Day
Location: Monroe's San Francisco
Timeline: After Dancing

I think we can walk to the club, I told you about," the Andorian asked the Kelpian, "it's about two miles. Is that okay?"

"Sounds like a plan." Ki'ana didn't really have clubbing attire - but she'd chosen something she thought might be appropriate for the occasion: a light blue bodycon dress and, of course, a pair of hooved shoes. She glanced at her companion gratefully as they began to walk down the street in front of them. "Thank you for dancing with me on Sunday." She said softly. "You have no idea how much that means to me. Most guys would rather not risk their toes." Ki'ana smiled mischievously.

"I'm pretty quick on my feet," Ren said as the two began walking. I am pretty sure, I can handle myself. What kind of music do you like?"

"Pretty much anything. Music is music to me." Ki'ana responded. "But to dance? Something classical and slow and maybe, just maybe, something romantic. If the DJ's got something like that of course." The Kelpien smiled. "How about you?"

"Andorian and Terran jazz are my favorite to listen to, though I will listen to most kinds. As for dancing, I'm more eclectic and it kind of depends on my mood and who I'm with, but I like loud music that I can get wild and bust a move to. Sweat a little. And, I like music I can slow dance to and hold my partner close."

"Like you did for me? Someone's a romantic." Ki'ana teased as they walked through the door to the bar together. "I'm sure people would simply love you for it. Want anything to eat? I'll order."

"Yeah, like I did for you. I'm glad you liked it. And yeah, I could eat. I'm not picky, did you have something in mind?"

"I'm thinking... a hot bowl of noodles. With soup. And lots of meat." Ki'ana said dreamily. "I would kill for one. But at this bar... I wanna say a huge plate of loaded truffle fries." She decided after running her finger down the establishment's menu. "And you? What would you want?"

"The truffle fries look good, but I think I'll add a pub burger to that. I expended a lot of energy earlier and need to recharge."

"So, are you looking forward to the Stargazer?"

"Stardancer." Ki'ana corrected gently. "But yes. I am indeed. And I can't wait to see what we'll find out there. You? Surely you must be looking forward to something on the Stardancer. Oh, and that guy you kissed and then left with last night - tell me everything." There was a mischievous gleam in her lilac eyes.

"Oh, Dave? Yeah, he's been my friend for a while. I knew that he liked me. I just didn't know that he liked me. When he told me it made me realize that I felt the same way about him."

"Well, he'd better be better than whoever you were with before. I have sharp hooves." Ki'ana grinned as their food arrived. "If he mistreats you, come tell me. I'll sort him out for you, just you see." Ki'ana declared. She picked up the pair of chopsticks that arrived with her bowl of noodles and began to slurp them up, using them surprisingly adeptly for someone who'd never been to Earth till Starfleet Academy. "I can't say I've had much experience. People don't usually want to date me."

Ren wasn't quite as adept as she was, lacking even her limited experience, but he was naturally agile and at least managed to not spill food on himself.

"I don't think Dave would treat me like Jason, but I'll keep that in mind."

"I wish I could help with no one wanting to date you. I could tell you I know how you feel but that wouldn't be completely true. Would it help if I said, you'll find the right person someday?"

"Well, that's what everyone says. And I think it's kind of true. Sometimes things just happen when they happen and that's honestly fine by me," She replied somewhat wistfully. "I'm in no particular rush to get attached, as our human friends say, but still - a little interest would be quite nice," She remarked.

"I get it when you say you're not in a rush to get attached. It can be nice, but then it can come back and bite you in the ass. But, I think for me, Dave is going to be different. I'm not sure, but I think that maybe he's the one I've been waiting for. I know it sounds cliche, and we just decided to be more than friends. But at least I know he's different."

"I'm kind of an expert in cute guys. So you know, if you want any pointers, or help in finding one I can help. I'm probably a little less useful if you're attracted to women."

"Is that so!" Ki'ana lifted an eyebrow. "Who've you got in mind? I'm sure you know as well as me that most men would rather go for something a little more humanoid."

"I could be facetious and point to that guy standing in line there. The third one from the front of the line. I mean he does have, em nice assets. But seriously you have to look for someone that is going to look beyond the facade and look at your spirit and your heart. Not just the way you look."

"And by the way, there is nothing wrong with you how you look."

Ki'ana squinted at the guy in question and made a face. "Cute, but not my type. He studies so hard he doesn't have very much social aptitude." She remarked. "We worked on a lab project once. Guy kept talking over me and took over the entire presentation, basically. I'd really be down for someone a little less... shallow.'

"Thank you for the compliment, by the way. People usually don't say that to me." 'You're not so bad looking,' 'You're not ugly" and so on were on the long list of things people had tried over her four years - but to be told straight up that there was nothing wrong with her appearance was definitely a first. "Anyone else?"

"You kind of just proved my point," he said with a small smile. "That we have to look beyond the superficial. Just because someone looks good doesn't mean they are good."

"What about the Orion there? A little bulky for my taste, but he's still easy on the eyes."

Ki'ana squinted at the tall, muscular Orion man with a tattooed face seated alone three tables away. "Met him once. Easy on the eyes, yeah, but I've heard he's so antisocial even his own classmates don't want to sit next to him in lectures." She whispered. "He did just seem really, really tired and listless when we talked, though. I didn't really ask why; I was rushing to class and might or might not have collided with him in the hallway, heh." She seemed a little sheepish now. "I wouldn't mind talking to him again, though."

"Like I said, he's not my type, but you should go check him out. What's the worst that could happen?"

"Not much, I suppose..." Ki'ana stood and made her way over to the Orion with a sweet smile. "Rizal? Is that you? Why're you eating alone?" She asked, ignoring the fact that for some odd reason, he smelled... well, it certainly wasn't pleasant and stung at her sensitive nose like bee stings straight to the lining of her nasal cavity.

Rizal, completely oblivious to his offensive odor looked up at the approaching woman. "Yes, it's me Ki'ana. I saw you sitting over there with the Andorian guy. I'm glad to see you, don't get me wrong, but when I saw you over there with him, I thought you were together."

"No, no! We're not together," Ki'ana clarified as she sat down across from him. "Last I checked, he only likes men. Shame. He's cute." She whispered the last part - not that it would've mattered much; Ren was attached anyway. "What're you doing here all by yourself? Where's that small group of friends I heard you found a few days ago?"

"Oh," was the Orion's only remark to the revelation that Ren was gay.

"They're still around. But, I'm just here grabbing a bite to eat, I didn't want more replicated cafeteria food. Then I'm going back to the dorm and study. I'm trying to cram for my Romulan language final. I also need to finish my paper for Henderson's Astrophysics class. They are going out partying."

"What about you, if you're not here with the Andorian, what are you doing here?"

"We're just hanging out," Ki'ana replied with a smile. "We met at the party, so we're having lunch together. You know, like friends do. Romulan? You're learning Romulan? No way." She giggled. "I've heard it spoken. I don't think I can ever imagine myself speaking it, to be honest! Or writing it. You never told me you were one for languages!"

"I never told you? Imagine that. Yeah, I'm a Starfleet brat. Both my parents are officers, and my mother started out in communications before most of the systems got automated. She taught me a love for languages. But I have to admit, Romulan is kicking my ass. It's a lot like Vulcan but the pronunciation is really different, as is the grammatical rules."

"What's your specialty again? What ship have you been assigned?"

"I'll be doing botany on the Stardancer. And you? Will you be coming along for the ride?" She asked, seeming a little more hopeful. Rizal needed friends, that much she did know - if only he'd clean up first, and learn a few things about social nuance. "Because I'd like to learn Romulan too, and I might or might not be hoping to learn from someone familiar."

"I wish I could teach you, I mean it's really a unique language. But I'm headed to the Horizon We could always do something by subspace though."

"We could." Ki'ana agreed. "I'd be glad to chat with you over subspace. Just PADD me before then, hm?" She smiled sweetly at him. "Not too late, though. I do like my sleep."

"I'll do that. Or, you know, if you want. I mean only if you want, I could stop by your place and we could study together before we both have to leave. What do you think?"

"I'd like that." Ki'ana smiled, glad for the company (and ignoring any other implications that might've had). "Tomorrow, then? 1930 hours. My quarters." She stood to leave, brushing off her t-shirt.

The Orion gave her a smile I'll meet you then."

Ki'ana smiled to herself and returned to her seat across from Ren. "I think that went rather well."


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Comments (2)

By Cadet Senior Grade Naltar Jerane on Thu Sep 28th, 2023 @ 4:27am

I really enjoy the feel for both characters that this post gives me, about Ki'ana and Ren as themselves. Something in here with the writing of both of them gives a great initial look into the potential depth that both characters have and that their writers are able to bring out. I could "feel" more in the way of the characters genuine selves. Something in the style of writing just felt different and I love it. I am excited to see what both have in the future for their character's stories.

By Cadet Senior Grade Riaothren(Ren) ch'Shaorhs on Thu Sep 28th, 2023 @ 4:41am

Thank you for the compliment. I put a lot of thought into creating Ren, but haven't had much time to really do much with him.

It helps when I have a creative partner to write with and I too am looking forward to seeing not just the development between these two characters but the development of all the characters on this sim