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When worlds Collide

Posted on Wed Sep 27th, 2023 @ 11:13pm by Cadet Senior Grade Naltar Jerane & Cadet Senior Grade Donto Ros

2,875 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: 0 - Assignment Day
Location: Academy Dorms, San Francisco, Earth
Timeline: 7 days prior to reporting

1400 Hrs

Having just returned from his parents place earlier that morning, upon signing back in from his short leave he was handed a PADD with orders directing him to clear his dorm room. Something that was a bit odd to him considering on his last cruise his room had been held for him. Naltar was told he’d move to transient quarters before shipping out so he made it a point to pack all of his belongings all morning. Not that he had much in the small room he shared with his roommate but all the same, it needed to be packed away. Some of it was tagged to go back to his parents place and some of it was marked for long term storage.

Dressed back in his standard cadet uniform with red on the shoulders and a gray body, Naltar sealed the last of the boxes he stopped and made his way to the replicator and ordered himself a glass of water. Taking a sip he looked around at the steel gray walls, the window on the wall at the head of their beds, the sunlight and warmth coming through making it warmer than usual which he’d soon be missing. Federation starships and structures were kept cooler to accommodate most species. As a result he’d made sure his heavier uniforms were packed and stored a copy of the environmental control presets for what he hoped would be his individual quarters on the Stardancer. The room would be kept piping hot anytime he occupied it.

Otherwise he’d taken a minute to download the schematics for an Excelsior class starship and glanced over them shaking his head on the few things he caught. Setting down his glass he turned and picked up the first couple boxes to go to his parents place and stepped outside his quarters. While he could barely see over the top of the boxes, it was just enough to see down the way.

Ros didn't have family except for old friends from his days in the Bajoran resistance. He took things at his own speed, the way he liked to do things. Dawning causal clothing from Bajor, the young officer who dreamt of stepping out into the galaxy spent his day closing this chapter of his life and opening of a new chapter.

He stood in the doorway of his old room, taking a final look before cashing in the keys to the admission office. Walking backwards whilst closing the door, he felt a clash with someone, Ros was thrown forward up against the door.

Little did he know he would be comforted with something he hadn't had to deal with since he was a teenager.

Upon feeling the impact Naltar immediately took a few steps back, surprised just the same. He hadn't expected to run into anything as while he looked forward nothing was up ahead. It only took a moment however to see whom he'd ran into. "I'm so sorry, these boxes make it difficult to see much ahead. Are you alright?" To take better account of the situation he turned as well and set the boxes down on the floor before taking a step forward.

Ros spun around, the moving out box still in his hands but his jaw hit the carpet when he saw who stood before him, he actually froze for a few seconds before words left his cold grey lips. "Yeah yes," He shuddered trying to be polite "I'm okay," That wasn't really true, he heard rumours of a Cardassian but thought it was a joke to wind him up... Clearly, it wasn't a joke after all.

Upon meeting the others gaze, it was immediately clear to him that the other young man before him was a Bajoran. It took a moment for the grey skin to register and even more reality set in as to the likelihood of the others background. While he himself had never been raised to have issues with anybody, the Cardassian was painfully aware of the impact his people had had on Bajor and had always done his best to be mindful about it.

His steel gray face lightened up a few shades before responding, his mind searching how to move forward "I really am sorry, I got ahead of myself for a moment." He took note of the box being held by the other cadet "Are you clearing the dorm as well? I'm heading towards the utility transporter down the way."

Ros was still in shock but his hanging mouth quickly shut. "Just finished," He shakily said "Well me too," while he motioned to go ahead, he was silently praying to the pah-wraiths for them to land a part of their strength, he was trying to be nice but he was very unsure.

The Cardassian gave a nod and turned, picking up his boxes. This time he carefully passed by the other young man that was visibly shook, not to Naltar's surprise. He didn't blame him considering if half the stories he'd heard were true, it only made sense for every Bajoran to despise any Cardassian they ran across.

Looking back over his shoulder to check if the other was in tow, he decided he'd try to ease the tension some "So where are you from? I mean are you from your homeworld or one of the moons? Or somewhere else by chance? I myself am from just up the coast, Washington state." A tinge of nervousness showed through but at the same time he was doing his best to show he was just as much of a person as anyone else.

"Somewhere else? Like the refugee camps that your people moved us to to make room for yourself?" Ros aggressively said... He never had an actually chat with a Cardassian before. "Sorry..." He replied with his best heartwarming smile walking alongside him "I'm from Bajor... Ran messages between the Union since I was 5 and by 15 I dropped by the resistance so they could see and copy it." He wanted to make absolutely sure that this person had a long road to friendship but thankfully they were about to ship out on their cadet cruises... Little did Ros know, they would be aboard the same vessel.

While it wasn't entirely expected, the barb didn't catch Naltar by surprise considering there had been so much worse sent his way. As the news of the actions of his people had spread, the initial whispers picked up over the last few years ranged from concerns of him being a spy or sympathizer to that of being a rapist and murderer himself. Considering he'd never been to Cardassia, let alone the system, or for that matter anywhere close to Bajor, the words and glares did sting quite a bit. Over time the impact subsided but he certainly was still not immune to them. Yet this other cadet with him was certainly entitled to the feelings and expressions he shared considering what he himself had been through. The only thing the Cardassian could do was his best to show he wasn't like the others. His parents had done their best to raise him quite the opposite.

"I am sorry to hear that, honestly. I've only been able to read about the atrocities committed by my people and I do have first hand knowledge of the ruthlessness they showed, my parents escaped that very same system to give me a better life....and hopefully I can work towards giving the same to the Bajorans and others. No one deserves to be treated that way." While he typically wasn't so open that quickly, he found it helped to empathize with others and when possible, try to show a place of reference and understanding. "Running messages must have been quite dangerous, something tells me your tenacity will serve your future assignment quite well."

"And Bajor is independent thanks to my small part," Ros said proudly he knew it was likely a tiny part but his time brought him confidence, now he was at the academy, and that confidence was needed. " I'm ½ Cardassian, both Bajorans & Cardassians see me as a bastard, illegitimate, not pure... But the Cardassians trusted me because they thought I was them." He saw himself as Bajoran but others didn't, it's why he had to leave. There was no future for himself in a society that didn't want him.

"You're lucky... To have a family," Ros was focusing on stepping down a small flight of steps whilst trying not to fall over with a box of personal effects he wasn't comfortable Naltar seeing. "Dad was a Cardissan Gul in charge of a security outpost and Bajarn mummy was his mistress... When it." Referring to his father, slightly forgetting who he was with. "Retreated from Bajar, mum drifted from jobs, struggling to feed herself and put a roof over her head, still is... Family paint this story, that she was a Cardassian sympathizer, kicked out of her family home and fell in love with a young Cardassian man."

"Yes, they are" he replied. While he understood to some extent being an outcast, he certainly couldn't understand being an outcast amongst not one but two of your own people. So Naltar chose to leave that part alone. It was however a fairly common situation that unfortunately the children bore the brunt of, which they had no say in even entering. "I am very fortunate for my parents and the friends they made since they made their home here....but I have no extended family to speak of. And given the current outlook I'll be lucky to have nay offspring of my own. But we must look forward and be thankful for what we do have....and what lies ahead. In a number of days I'll be back out among the stars. A surprise to me but not unwelcomed."

"I haven't been in space for 4? maybe 5 years. Have you got your cruise assignment yet?" Ros asked trying to be nice, in reality, he was unsure, in all his years he had never known of a kind Cardassian. He himself was nervous and anxious but the excitement of working aboard a Starfleet ship overwhelmed all the feelings he was having.

While he found the forwardness in the question a tad intrusive without them having at least made introductions yet, he also understood that he was trying to keep the conversation going and make an attempt to remain cordial, which Naltar did appreciate. "I have, it'll actually be my second cruise, the first one had some of it's own shall we say unique challenges. But it looks like I'll be going to a ship that appears to be on it's way to retirement, the Stardancer. I've never heard of her but at the very least I should get the marks I need to graduate and commission before hopefully going on to an Akira class. They are quite beautiful ships."

"Stardancer? Me too!" Ros said trying to hide his anger for the Cardassian people with a smile. "Donto Ros, I have the Executive Officer role." Head filling with sinful behaviour, he thought he could slightly abuse against the Cardssian but that wouldn't be very Starfleet of him... Maybe that is how he is on his 2nd cruise, someone was acting like a Starfleet Officer to him.

The look on Naltar's face froze as he came to the realization he'd be reporting to this young man that seemingly was still trying to find his way in life. The saving grace was the fact he was a few steps ahead and Donto was unable to see it. It also gave him some cause for concern as to what level of clarity would be provided in the way of orders when the time came. But that would remain to be seen either way so he simply continued with the introductions "Naltar Jerane, I'll be heading up Operations so it sounds like we'll be talking on the regular. I'll make sure the section is operating as best as possible." Once he was able to review his personnel and assign them to their shifts, that was.

Ros was disappointed he wasn't a younger officer but he was a Senior Cadet so there was a high chance he had a department head portfolio, but it was easily guessable. "I'm just going to match Captain Stark's command style, I don't want to step on her feet." Who hadn't heard of Grace Stark? In medicine & science, she was known as the curer of the Va'on Parasite, identifier and curer of the Stark disease. In strategic ops, where Ros wanted to be, Grace Stark was known as the master of flanking during the UFP-Cardissan border wars.

"Truth be told, I don't know much about the Captain so I'll take my normal approach and work to be adaptable, but primarily focused on safety for all involved. Everything in space is inherently dangerous but a cadet cruise should be even less so, and more of a place to safely learn those hard lessons before that possibility comes." Naltar saw the transporter pad up just ahead of them as they continued forward.

"I only know her by reputation." Ros said "She was an excellent commander in the border wars, it's why Starfleet Command doesn't want her behind a desk, she's that good... Maybe with the Dominion War, they'll promote her to Commodore and give her a taskforce." Oh the looming war, everyone saw a war over the horizon but Ros, he was probably the only one invisioning the war being avoided.

"I suppose I'll have to make sure I stay on top of things then. The likelihood of this war is about 90% I'd say. From everything my parents have told me, my people, sorry, our people" he added, looking back over his shoulder at Ros "will be up for a fight, especially with the support of the Dominion. It'll just end up being a matter of where we're assigned after this cruise."

"I'm Bajorn," Ros said taking offence but pointing out his pah-wraith religious earing. "Starfleet is even preparing Freshmen Cadets for front line duty, studying basic duty before a cadet cruise and getting shipped to the front... This war will be the bloodiest war ever recorded in history."

Reaching the final destination he turned around to face his companion "As you wish, but if you want to make it less obvious that you are a child of both worlds, you may want to consider a cosmetic procedure to remove the Cardassian traits you exhibit. Albeit none of my business, but the sad reality is that everyone places us into one group or another upon first seeing us, before we've opened our mouths. I know that feeling quite well as I'm sure you do too. But at the end of the day, within ourselves, we can't truly deny who we are." Although he would be reporting to Donto soon, for the moment he was still his peer and Naltar would maintain an open, hones, and respectful line of communication with him. "I don't blame you for wanting nothing to do with Cardassians, I myself struggle with it all the time especially when my parents tell me stories of how they were treated by our own people. But when we go to bed at night, those facts don't change." Placing his box up onto the elevated pad he entered a series of coordinates and watched as it vanished in a shimmer of light before facing Ros once more.

"I really am looking forward to working with you and I'm hoping that somehow or another, we can help provide clarity for each other. As long as you're willing to engage in such. But if you prefer to keep things strictly professional while we're both on assignment, I'll respect that too. I'm all about business when it comes to our duties, XO."

"Ross Donto," He wasn't sure if he was aware of Bajoran culture, "Maybe we could get drinks sometime, I hear Stardancer has a nightclub aboard." Truth was, Naltar was coming on to him, and there was really no telling how long this cruise would last.

He wasn't sure why the young man had restated his name but moved past it "Drinks are always a great way to start a conversation but I must say I'm not a fan of synthehol. I typically prefer somewhere a little more relaxed as well, but perhaps once we get settled in we can talk about our current plight. There is much I don't know about Bajor's situation and I would welcome the education on it."

"There's bound to be a successful smuggler of pure alcohol aboard," Ros said, keen to know him a little bit better, Ros had been a fighter for too long, along that journey he had forgotten himself, maybe he could redeem himself and re-discover who he was. "I'll see you aboard."

"Very well then, I shall see you on board, Donto." Naltar turned to leave his future XO to tend to transporting off his own boxes. While the possibility of befriending a hybrid had never came to mind, perhaps he's learn more about his own people than ever before...


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