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Checkup Blues

Posted on Mon Oct 16th, 2023 @ 7:30pm by Cadet Senior Grade Toareth Darqa & Cadet Senior Grade Bellona Juventus

1,275 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: 1 - Cruising through the galaxy
Location: Sickbay, USS Stardancer
Timeline: Current

Everyone gave Bellona a wide berth as she sat down in the waiting room. Maybe it was the intensity that she radiated, staring straight ahead as she waited to be seen for her mandatory physical. She for one despised these checkups with a passion; she didn't drink or eat excessively or take part in any other vices that the rest of her cohort partook in - she should've been in perfect fighting shape, as she always was, and always had been. But no, Starfleet liked to do things as carefully as mortally possible. Fine by her. She wasn't in a position to comment or change things.

Her turn came soon enough. She strode up to the duty medical officer (well, officer cadet) and sat down on the biobed before her. "Cadet senior grade Bellona Aurelia Juventus." She informed the brunette brusquely. "I'd like to get my checkup over and done with, please."

Toareth barely had the chance to look away from her PADD, much less even think about asking for the newcomer's name, before Bellona hopped upon the biobed. It seemed there was no need for a twisting of the arm nor polite conversation to alleviate any nerves for this one. This one was going to help Toareth set a record.

"Well," she said as she set her PADD to standby and set it aside, "Finally one who wants to get this done without the procrastination. Very well," and she saw she did not need to lend a hand this time, "please lie back and be still. Minute movement is fine, speaking is fine, just don't roll over. I am Toareth Darqa, your Cadet CMO."

Bellona lay down without further complaint or fuss. Physicals were best endured with as minimal fuss as possible in her opinion, which made it easier both for you and your doctor. Chances were your doctor didn't really want to have to check you as much as you wanted yourself assessed, after all.

Toareth stepped to the Bellona's side and closed the biobed scanning arcs around her. "I know. These are archaic and outdated biobeds. It seems to newer ones are incompatible with the power output, distribution and receptacles of the Excelsior Class ships. I'm no engineer. I work with what I have."

"I have no complaints about the equipment used to conduct my physical assessment, doctor. Please, go ahead. You can be assured that I will raise minimal fuss if none at all." The Magna Romani woman stated plainly. She had duties to attend to and a room to comfortably make hers and yet she was here whiling her day away. There had to be a more efficient way to do this.

Toareth could feel, through her empathy, that this woman wanted nothing more than to be done with this; a similar feeling she felt when others felt this, or like instances, was nothing more than a waste of time. She pressed a few buttons and the scanning wand removed itself from its stowed position and started venturing up and over Belonna's head.

Toareth was visibly enjoying what she saw thus far in the woman. "I must say, I have not worked with many Magni Romani."

"I believe you shall, in time. I have heard it said that Magna Romani often find themselves earning their way into high positions in Starfleet, with the accomplishments to match." Bellona muttered, staying absolutely still as the wand passed over her head. She could never quite get used to that, admittedly.

The scanning wand started its scan, slowly venturing down Belonna's body. Toareth was at the head of the bed, observing the resulting readouts. She flipped through all the screens admiring the woman's skeletal structure, her nervous system, her vascular system, those muscles, even too a few visual scans of her nude body. "Everything is matching your scans from the Academy precisely. You must maintain a strict physical and dietary schedule."

"Affirmative." Bellona replied plainly. "As a cadet hoping to become a security officer ought to. I am a firm believer that your personal health is only maintained through sterling discipline. As an officer I aim to be an example of Starfleet values and that must begin when I am a cadet." She declined to add that she'd forgotten to have lunch yesterday and had simply worked all the way through her shift without stopping until being ordered off shift. Whoops.

"Your physiology," Toareth admired, "is impeccable. Given your planet's two moons, the size and rotational period of Magna Roma, your kind have evolved with a natural advantage to humans...Earth humans that is." The scanning wand finished its trek and was returning to its stowed position. Toareth returned to Belonna's side waiting for the scanning wand to stow itself before opening the biobed's scanning arches. "Your medical profile has been updated and I do not need to computer to say that you are in optimal fitness; an example for all to follow." She opened the arches once the wand was secured. "I do, however, prescribe you put in a request with engineering and Ops to allow for a perpetual artificial gravity increase in your quarters up to 10« over standard. Physical fitness is a thing even while you sleep and I see your vascular system's effectiveness could possibly diminish after prolonged exposure to a reduced gravity field than that of your homeworld."

A brief look of surprise crossed the Magna Roman's features as she sat up from the biobed. In all her years of rigorous education the Magna Romans had somehow never quite thought to teach their children that simple fact about their homeworld. To her her athletic abilities were simply part of her, earned through years of rigorous physical training and time in the arena - it had never occurred to her that in comparison to her coursemates, she might've had some kind of natural advantage.

"I shall." She decided. "It would not make sense for me to allow my physiology to weaken as I sleep, if it could be corrected with a simple modification as that. I will consult with Ops as and when I am able." As in, later that day. She would find a pocket, go to whomever was managing their quarters, and ask. "Though my quarters still have unoccupied sleeping bunks. Would the enhanced gravity not have adverse effects on my roommates who are not accustomed to it?"

"Adverse effects?" she repeated questioningly. "No. Well, at first...maybe. Think of it this way. You work out all the time and suddenly someone slips in 10 additional pounds without telling you. At first you wonder what is going on then you get used to it. Tell them..." Toareth thought briefly, "Tell your roommates, should they ask, that this is for their benefit. In time they will see themselves surpassing their male counterparts."

Toareth stepped back not needing to say they were all done.

For the briefest moment, a smirk crawled its way across the Magna Romani woman's lips. She stood, stretched and began to make her way to the exit, straightening her uniform back to sharp regulation standard as she did. "I shall. I eagerly await their reactions." She said, with a hint of amusement. "Though, of course, should anyone begin to suffer any actual harmful effects, I shall act accordingly."

Toareth followed her halfway through Sick Bay back toward the door. "If there is anything else you need or anything I can ever do for you, please..." The rest of that thought was understood.

Bellona paused at the door then, glanced back at the El-Aurian and offered her the barest hint of a nod in thanks before departing.


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