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Party Talk

Posted on Wed Oct 11th, 2023 @ 6:07pm by Cadet Senior Grade Ki'ana & Cadet Senior Grade Bellona Juventus & Cadet Sophomore Grade Aenardha Sh'vastarth
Edited on on Wed Oct 11th, 2023 @ 6:27pm

1,603 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: 1 - Cruising through the galaxy
Location: Deck 7, Whispers
Timeline: During post "General Announcement"

Bellona had a healhy dislike of parties. She knew very well what went on during these; alcohol, dancing and hormonal young adults did not mix well and led to all manner of unbecoming behavior that made her sick to her stomach to see. No sooner had the Captain finished her speech that she could see a pair of cadets making out on the dance floor with no regard as to where they were or in whose presence they were in - to the exuberant claps and cheers of her batchmates. The nerve of all of them. Future officers of Starfleet, they called themselves. If they were hoping to earn that coveted first gold pip on their collars they should've at least conducted themselves with decorum befitting of their desired station. A Starfleet officer was a pillar of leadership and honor and discipline, not the childish excitement which her classmates displayed.

She really, really would've preferred not to come to this infernal gathering. There was always a post to man and a ship to defend and taking time away from either of those things with pointless meetings like this was the least of the things she needed - but she'd been ordered to come and socialize by her instructor, whom she could see standing in the corner conversing with a colleague, and so she had come, and would stay. She would stay and socialize, but do so on her own terms. Glass of wine in hand Bellona settled down in the furthest corner of the bar, where the entirety of the crowd was within her field of vision. In her view security officer had to be on alert and ready to carry out their duties at all times and she intended to do just that. She'd been told to socialize, yes, but she had not been told to do so by approaching others first.

The young Aenar stuck out like a sore thumb as she made her way around the outer perimeter of the partying crowd. She appeared Andorian enough but was almost completely albino; antennae but with slits at the top of her cups; well dressed but only in a flowing black dress. She appeared as though having stepped right out of a black and white holonovel. Those white in white eyes proved her blindness, but she could somehow 'see' all the same.

Aenardha used public vision within proximity to move about. She had already utilized the sight of everyone present to get a layout of the area, but once she saw faces close together, hands moving to place she did not want to see, much more sight than she felt she could tolerate, Aenardha reduced the proximity of the visions she tapped into to within only a meter in all directions. She already forbade herself from tapping into the hearing of others. People's whispers were supposed to remain private and she did not infringe upon anything.

Aenardha furrowed her brow; her antennae stood erect. The cups of her antennae turned in a direction; the direction of what felt like a brick wall of discipline and duty. This person was not moving very much, but was scanning the area; eyes squinting in disgust at some of the things they saw. Those eyes turned to Aenardha briefly and Aenardha could see herself looking back at her. There came a sense; a desire to not be there but only a desire to fulfill an order to be present. She did not read any further.

Seeing as how, Aenardha herself did not wish to attend this get-together, she would rather avoid parties and large social gatherings, she thought maybe to approach and strike up a conversation; keep them both from being labelled as anti-social.

With a glass of this fizzy-looking water-like bluish liquid in hand, she stepped up to Belonna. "Not one to find enjoyment in events such as this either huh?"

"No." Bellona's response was curt and to the point. There was no need to waste words to express such a simple sentiment. She scanned the other with her eyes, mostly with disinterest. The other girl was an Aenar. She'd read of them, but never actually seen one in the flesh. This one was pretty in a sort of timeless way, youthful with an air of grace. Despite the unsettling milky white of her eyes, the rest of her could've been carved from snow and ice by the clear pale white of her skin. She was a captivating sight to behold - a sentiment Bellona did not voice. There was no need to.

"Sit if you'd like." Bellona stated, indicating the seat next to her own. "I am merely observing this gathering to assist in keeping order - should our fellow cadets decide that their commission has come early." The ice with which she delivered that particular statement could've rivaled that hewn from the Frozen Wastes of Andor itself. "As is my duty. Forgive me if I turn out to be less conversational than you might like." With that she lapsed back into stoic silence, blue eyes once more on the chattering crowd of cadets, searching for even the slightest hint of misdemeanor.

"Same," said Aenardha as she took a seat. "The Ops instructor on board said I should be here, to 'get to know the crew' he said." Aenardha saw what Bellona was scanning. "This is getting to know the crew alright." Aenardha sipped at her beverage. She could not get a really good look at Bellona as few people within her vicinity looked in that direction. Aenardha did have the current lay of the land at least.

What she did see, however, and perhaps exaggerated the image somewhat, was a tall and muscular woman; clearly security and clearly in good shape. Aenardha was in good shape too... for an Aenar. She recalled the difficulty she underwent just to get her duffels to her quarters. "Do you," she began shyly, "plan to lead any fitness classes or would you consider being a personal trainer?"

"No." Bellona's eyes did not once leave the crowd in front of them as she spoke. "I intend to carry out my duties to the utmost of my abilities, and that is all. Perhaps I will make considerations for it when I have earned my commission." She lapsed back into silence again for a good few seconds before adding, "Why do you ask? If you require further physical training there are plenty of instructors far more capable and willing than I."

Aenardha was nearly taken aback by the curt presentation Bellona pressed forth. "Oh, um, we Aenar are not known for our strength." She stopped seeing through Bellona's eyes; the woman was scanning intently. "It was actually quite offputting when the Academy authorized an alternate PT Test just for the Aenar; fewer pushups and situps with a shorter distance on the run. Things like that. I just want to be more up to par with the average service personnel." She sat still a short moment, seeing nothing at all and hearing only what her own ears registered; a mass confusion of voices, music, and movement about. "I will take your advice and seek out other instructors."

"These so-called 'average service personnel' only wish they possessed your telepathic prowess." Bellona responded equally as curtly - and still not looking at the other. Her eyes remained trained on the crowd, painfully vigilant. "You are strong. You simply do not see it." With that, she lapsed back into silence, drink entirely untouched. Perhape she'd only acquired it to appear occupied - and to draw attention away from herself.

That little...pep talk...if it could be called thus, did not help Aenardha out any. In fact, that was the same pep talk she had been given during her tenure at the Academy; that she was strong. She wrung her hands together under the table whilst struggling with that thought knowing she had a hard time just moving one duffel to her quarters.

"Thank you," Aenardha said, "for that. I will keep those words in mind. I am going to return to the gathering," she said as she slid her chair back and stood. "It's been nice speaking with you."

For a split second, a single fleeting moment, there was the tiniest pinhole break in that brick wall. Through that pinhole break came a single fleeting sensation of disappointment, almost as if the Magna Roman didn't want her to leave just yet - and then the hole was sealed over with plaster, never to be reopened.

Bellona remained silent and unresponsive, save a brief nod of her head. Her eyes remained on the crowd throughout, ever vigilant.

"I look forward to working with you," Aenardha said as she started away. She did return to the gathering, but only to make her way through it and toward the exit. It was as she came upon the exit that she realized she left her beverage behind. Aenardha thought to return fearing the woman might try, resulting in maybe a slight bit of frostbite of her throat. Yes, Aenardha enjoyed her beverages that cold. But seeing as how the women did not even touch her own beverage, Aenardha concluded it was safe enough. The cleaning detail would come along later and put it back into the replicator. Aenardha took one more look about the place with her telepathic vision. Everyone having a good time with a few...not. She was one of the few and removed herself from the population not having a good time by making her exit.


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