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A much needed boost

Posted on Sat Sep 23rd, 2023 @ 3:04am by Cadet Senior Grade Naltar Jerane & Cadet Senior Grade Riaothren(Ren) ch'Shaorhs
Edited on on Sat Sep 23rd, 2023 @ 3:09am

3,181 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: 0 - Assignment Day
Location: Green Ocean Lounge, San Francisco, Earth
Timeline: 6 Days prior to reporting

2300 Hrs

Sitting on a couch along the wall, the Cardassian had made half an attempt to hide himself while he stared at the PADD in hand. Next to him sat a glass of Saurian brandy, something he'd acquired a taste for thanks to his parents considering he never had the option for kanar and cared even less to try it.

The place was fairly busy with chairs and tables throughout that had various couples and groups of friends out for the evening. The bar itself was packed thanks to the regional finals for Parrises squares being shown for those interested. The lighting was turned down to about 70% giving a slightly more intimate feeling and also allowing Naltar to somewhat blend in. As much as someone of his race could anyway.

Wearing a pair of jeans and short sleeve 3 button shirt he looked up to scan around quickly as a matter of habit before looking down once more, taking note of the engine design and power requirements for the starship he'd soon be joining. Needless to say, there was some confusion in the lack of upgrades to the power banks and busses considering how old the class was and the modern-day situation. With the tension brewing between his parents' home society and the only society and people he'd ever known, a huge part of him expected more preparation just in case. If nothing else it ensured the cadets wouldn't get very far very fast if they got a wild hair to take off on some odd adventure. Hobbles of sorts came to mind.

There were only a few more days before Ren would be shipping out for his cadet cruise. He wasn't a total newbie, he'd spent a lot of time on starships growing up, so he knew his way around one. But that wasn't the same thing as actually having responsibility. True there would be plenty of supervision from some of the Academy professors and seasoned Starfleet officers, but still, he was going to have some responsibility.

All of his classes, even the hands-on ones were just a prelude to being out there. This was going to be one hell of a final exam.

But before the launch of the Starfinder he needed to relax. He was still getting used to being single, but he was feeling better about himself. The Parrisses squares regionals were being aired and he wanted to see them. So, he went to a place he didn't frequent that often, despite its proximity to the Academy, the Green Ocean Lounge.

He walked in wearing a pair of jeans a shade or two darker than his own skin and a white A-shirt with the Academy logo on it.

He got himself a drink and looked around. In a corner of the establishment, he thought he saw someone he knew. A fellow student and one that had the same assignment as he did.

So, he walked over to where he was seated. "Hey, you're Noltar, right? We're going to be on the Starfinder together. Right?"

The Cardassian looked up with a furrowed brow and took note of the Andorian. A slight buzz was going and while he wasn't annoyed, he'd been caught by surprise which was a rarity. "Naltar, and yes I have orders for the Stardancer." He took a moment to study who stood before him "Ren, right?" While the two had never formally met, he made it a point to be mindful of those around him in his classes and what their names were. What class they'd had together in particular he couldn't recall but the man wasn't completely alien to him. "Care to join me? I was just looking over some specs. Maybe we can commiserate together. Do you have a favorite drink?"

If there was one thing his parents had taught him, it was to be hospitable and extending a hand accordingly to establish social connections with those he ran across. The last thing he needed in his current situation was more isolation from others as there was already inherently enough.

"Ahh, my apologies," the Andorian replied with a sincere tone as he took the offered hand and shook it. "Naltar. I've got it now. And yes, my name is Ren, that's what everyone calls me anyway, except one of my mothers if I'm in trouble. You got my name right the first time. But to be fair, it's only one syllable."

"Sure, I'd love to sit. I came to watch the games, but there's no reason not to talk. I think I'm in the mood for a mojito tonight."

"By the way, don't you find the Terran handshake to be odd?"

It was a question he'd never considered. Primarily due to the fact he'd grown up with it as the norm, his parents had done their best to ensure he grew up within the local customs and the reality was he never knew any better either way. "For me? I would have to say not. I've always done it. And perhaps one day I'll get your full name down but if Ren is the preferred way of being addressed it's likely quite a name. And I can say I never wanted to hear my mother use my full name, and since it sounds like you've got more than one I can only imagine how traumatizing it could be hearing it from someone else" he teased. Making a motion to a nearby waiter, he ordered another brandy for himself, and the mojito requested,

"I have two and a father. I had two. It's an Andorian thing?"

Cultural differences versus his own had stopped surprising Naltar long ago, so he nodded in understanding "Ah, understandable. As the old saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child." Even in the predicament his parents found themselves in, a few close family friends had helped guide and raise him over the years as well.

"So a fan of Parrisses squares eh? I never got into it too much but it does hold my interest at times. Quite a dangerous game but you have to admire their tenacity." The grin on his face looked inherently dark, an unfortunate side effect of his species but in his heart, he was doing his best to show lightheartedness.

"I'd rather play than watch. It's a fun game and I'm sure an Andorian had to have invented it. I mean it's so us. But those guys," he pointed to the screen, are way out of my league."

""What do you like to do, besides look at schematics?

"And yeah, I guess if you grew up doing it, it would be normal enough."

He couldn't argue the Andorian's point of the game, it certainly wasn't Cardassian in the fact that there weren't more penalties or punishments involved for smaller infractions. "Well, aside from staring at this blasted thing for hours on end, I'm big into several outdoor activities. Marksmanship is probably towards the top of my list, I frequent powered weapons ranges and do enjoy camping when I can make the time for it. What about yourself?"

"I guess you could say I'm eclectic. I like extreme sports like rock climbing and Parrises Squares, but I also am an artist. Painting and drawing mostly but I've recently started sculpting. I don't know if I'm going to show my art to anyone, I'm probably not that good, but I enjoy it."

And I have an aquarium. I'm just hoping I can take it on board."

"That may be a question for the engineers, unless you are one of course? Or perhaps you'll be running the show as Chief. I'll be working alongside them and just about everyone else in Operations. What kind of sea life are you looking to bring along?" Pets weren't something he'd had much experience with himself but he did always appreciate the comfort they typically brought to others. Considering what Naltar perceived to be the intent of things however part of him did question if the desire to bring along pets was a professional move or not.

"I'm definitely not an engineer, thank you very much. And I doubt that they're going to let a cadet make those kinds of decisions. But I will talk to the powers that be. I have one set up now so I'd just be moving it. I like the White Jac, they're an Andorian fish, but they require a unique environment"

"So, I just stuck the Terran fish. I've got some; Coral Beauty Angelfish, Jewelled Rockskipper-for the algae, Auriga Butterflyfish, Yellowtail Damselfish, Blue Tang, Oh, then there are my two favorites, the Red Hawkfish and the Ornate Wrasse."

"What do you do then, are you by chance operations as well or?" Naltar was curious. "Also I'm not sure what it is but something about this cruise seems odd to me. I completed my cadet cruise a number of months ago and I've never known anyone to do more than one, so I find it strange to receive orders to another. But maybe it's just me?"

Taking a sip of his drink he pondered for a moment before speaking again "And if it's not too much to ask, maybe one day you'll let me see your fish. They can be quite beautiful, and dangerous creatures."

"That's news to me," the Andorian, this is my first. I mean everybody else I've spoken with, which is admittedly not everyone, it's their first as well. What happened with you?"

It was something he hadn't expected to answer and while a bit embarrassing, it was something Naltar had to own "Truth be told, my first cadet cruise didn't go so well for me. There were a number of things, processes mainly, that I didn't agree with and in the end, I marginally passed. I ended up having to go through a review board and have been repeating my fourth year for a series of courses.....but in the end, it should make me a better officer. I just didn't necessarily expect another cruise to be part of it....." He trailed off for a moment as if waiting for Ren to shift the topic to something else.

"If I get to take them, I'll invite you over. There are some dangerous fish out there, like the lionfish, or piranhas but, I don't keep any of those. Though I do think the ones I have are beautiful.

Thankful for the opportunity he followed suit "That would be great. We can learn a lot from an animal's natural beauty whether it's to hide in defense or awaiting an opportunity to strike, nothing beats nature."

"I agree with you," Ren said. "So, why did you choose operations?"

"I've always been handy with power sources and busses, so it just made sense in the end. I mean that's all any signal really is, is just power. At that point, it's a matter of what generates it, how it goes from one place to another, and how it terminates. And if you can trace conduits then you pretty much have the job. Speaking of which, what are you going to be doing on the Stardancer?"

"Flight Control," the Andorian said his antennae moving forward. I've been flying since I was sixteen, so it just seemed like the perfect fit. I would be in the top five percent if it was just my talent at the helm. But, I'm more intuitive than analytical so my class work leaves a little to be desired."

"Something tells me you're able to be a bit more even-keeled than me at the end of the day. How do you think you'll handle an underpowered hulk? I mean I'm sure she'll be able to take a few hits but...well she's not top of the line. I wonder how much I'll end up having to rip out at the end of the day.

"I hear you and it's definitely not top-of-the-line, just like you said. But it's only a cadet cruise and we'll have plenty of supervision. How bad could it possibly be?"

"We'll just have to remain hopeful that is the case all around," Naltar said. "Are you going to be running the rest of the cadets in the flight section or ?"

"Yes they made me the Chief so I will be in charge of the cadets. Though I am probably one of the only cadets here that isn't looking to command his own ship someday. But on the positive side, I do like teaching and I think this job involves a lot of that. I hope so anyway."

"Oh I couldn't agree more, command doesn't quite suit me either. Mainly the challenge is what drives me. Personally, I don't want to end up bored in a chair one day."

"For me, boredom isn't as bad as making decisions to send someone, maybe someone that I know or love into harm's way, or worse yet into a situation I know they can't survive."

That particular aspect wasn't one that the Cardassian hadn't felt he had too much trouble looking at, when the job had to be done it had to be done. And all of them knew there was a possibility of dying in the line of duty. "Well I think that's something even as acting Chief's we'll have to run across. When you're told to select your best pilot for a mission that requires expertise in maneuvering a shuttle through an asteroid field and you have to remain on board to continue operations and ensure the ship as a whole is kept out of harm's way, we run that risk. A hard truth to be sure but a fact nonetheless."

"I'm aware of the facts and I will do my duty. I don't have a choice, I don't let myself have a choice. That doesn't mean I have to like it."

A moment later their drinks were brought over and set down on the table in front of them. " Well, a drink or two should help to ease the tension around that, if only for a short time. I can say I haven't done much piloting myself so I'll definitely need a lesson or two."

"Well, anytime you'd like to go out, I'll take you up and give you a lesson," Ren said as he took a sip of his drink. "So, are you seeing anyone? Will you have to leave them behind?"

It was an interesting question for sure but he answered in kind "Not at the moment, no. I'm sure you've noticed by now that I'm a Cardassian so needless to say, the forbidden fruit effect I used to have for the ladies has worn off for quite a few. My popularity in being a unique conquest of sorts has certainly dropped. So for the time being I am a single man. Not the worst thing considering our current predicament."

"I did notice you're a Cardassian, it's kind of hard to miss, and I can see where women would find you, unique a conquest even. I'm glad you don't have to deal with it," the Andorian said as he took another sip of his drink. "And yes, even though this is just a cadet cruise leaving someone behind would be a bad thing."

"I have the opposite problem, an ex of mine is going to be on the Starduster with us."

A sour look appeared on Naltars' face and he motioned already for another drink for his newfound companion. "I think you're going to need another drink more than you know. I wouldn't wish that situation on anyone. Although there will be a fair amount of other cadets on board, I'm sure you can find someone as a distraction for the cruise alone, and it runs the propensity to make your ex jealous, so there's that. Both positives in my book, when you're ready for it anyways." He knew what heartbreak was and could sympathize with another man when they were going through that very thing.

"You're right I could have my pick if I wanted. And, in one way, I'd enjoy making him jealous, On the other hand, I don't want to hurt him. He was kind of a dick in the end, but overall he is a genuinely nice guy. So, I'm not sure what I want. Does that make sense?"

He placed a hand on the other man's shoulder "It does, but one day you'll learn to worry less so much about what others worry about you. At least that's the feeling I get. Someone else out there will appreciate what you bring to the table, so to speak. I mean look at it, you were chosen to be the Flight Chief for the cadets, that must account for something."

Ren smiled, his antennae moving left to right, "Thanks for the encouragement. Though I'd suggest you take your own advice. There are women out there, as you know from your past experience, who would find you quite a catch. More than just a conquest or a one-night encounter."

"Oh, I appreciate the sentiment quite a bit, really. I can be a bit...difficult at times but the biggest trouble I've been running across with women is the optics. No one wants to risk the potential long-term impacts of being with me and how it may affect their careers. I wouldn't be surprised if someone is listening to every conversation I've had the last few years, anywhere and everywhere I go. Mind you the fact I've never been to my people's home world, I'm sure those exist that would consider me a potential sympathizer or spy. No woman who wants a long successful career wants to be around that with a ten-foot pole. But I do alright in the interim." Naltar polished off the rest of his previous drink and took a sip of his new one.

"Women, well I guess people in general can be stupid. But the right one will come along for you, if not on the cruise, then at some point in your career. I wouldn't give up if I were you.

"I would say the same for you. We both know how stubborn men can be. But there is someone out there that will make the time for you, I mean hell, anyone that would leave a pilot behind that could take them off to some wonderful places, is a fool at best. I've known a few women who could probably give you a run for your money, and I miss every single one. But what do you say we shut down any sort of self-wallowing and see who's winning in squares?"

"That sounds like an excellent idea."

Picking up his drink, Naltar rose to his feet. "To the bar then, Ren." He was done studying for the day and something told him the Andorian needed his focus more so than the specs of the Stardancer.

Ren took his drink and headed to the bar behind the Cardassian.


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