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Sore Thumbs

Posted on Tue Sep 26th, 2023 @ 1:46am by Cadet Senior Grade Naltar Jerane & Cadet Senior Grade Ki'ana

1,536 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: 0 - Assignment Day
Location: Brock's Diner, San Francisco, Earth
Timeline: 4 Days prior to reporting in

1200 Hrs

Considering the time of day and his continued preparations for his upcoming assignment, Naltar decided he'd take some time to have lunch. At the moment most of his time was his own as he was expected to sharped up on his studies and complete any of his pre medical checks prior to space duty as needed. But nothing beat his favorite place to go and eat, which he knew he'd be missing once they left Earth. Brock's Diner had been a staple for him since his first day at the academy, with his chaperone taking him there to help him get settled in. As a result over the last four years, he was a regular. They had a beef brisket sandwich to die for and to say the least he was voraciously hungry.

With the standard cadet uniform adorned, he walked in and scanned the place to see if his favorite table was by chance open.

As it turned out the table was occupied - which made the fact that it comfortably sat two quite convenient. The occupant was a familiar female Kelpien with lilac eyes, who seemed quite happy to see a familiar face. "Oh, hello. Naltar, was it? We met at the party." She smiled at him, blinking those large, round eyes of hers. "You're welcome to join me - I do love having company."

Given there was an open seat and he would have company, he figured it was a sign he should go ahead and take a seat. "Of course, thank you Ki'ana." Sliding out his chair, he sat down a moment alter and motioned to a waiter he'd known for quite some time. "So do you come here often? I don' think I've seen you here before." One of his favorite thing about the venue was the wide assortment of options they had, which made sense both would patronize such an establishment considering the vast difference between both of their native diets.

"Me? Well, only recently. I'm addicted to the food, actually, they do their dishes so well! For instance, their steak is to die for. Is that what humans say to describe something amazing?" She indicated the plate in front of her: she'd ordered a steak with fries, mashed potatoes, gravy and vegetables. The steak had the perfect crust round the edges and a perfectly pink middle, crispy fries and the gravy smelt heavenly and would've probably been awesome in a caramel-colored pool - had Ki'ana not mauled it with her fork. "I take it you're more of a regular here than me," She guessed.

The steak was something he's had himself a number of times, it was quite a good meal and there was nothing he could argue with on the plate, except maybe the mixed vegetables. "I feel that's one of the best steaks you can get anywhere in the city personally. An excellent choice in my opinion. Typically however my favorite ends up being their prime rib. But I also got them to combine that along with their beef brisket for me and they bring it out in one of the tastiest sandwiches I've ever had, with beef au jus and this buttery hoagie roll... I really am going to miss it here."

Ki'ana's eyes widened. "Oh, no way. Now I have to order that. I can't leave Earth without trying it, I swear! And I think you'll agree. Maybe I'll say you recommended it." She added. "Well. I didn't get a chance to ask. What brought you to Starfleet?"

"Well..." he started, it was always a bit of reality when he actually thought about it, but was still open to sharing "my parents were....extracted, shall we say, from Cardassia while awaiting a death sentence. In turn the Federation saved them in exchange for their research. After they got here, a few years later I was born and have known nothing else ever since. While it took some time for me to come around I realize now I want to give to others the same chance and opportunity given to my parents and myself by the Federation. Albeit there were some things I would consider to say my parents had no real choice in, I still find myself grateful for what I've been able to have. And I figured others deserve the same."

A glass of water and his sandwich was placed before him a few moments later causing his mouth to begin watering.

Ki'ana smiled and resumed her meal. "That sounds lovely. I grew up in a farming community on Kaminar. Simple place, not all that modern. I spent a lot of time pulling up vegetables, would you believe it." She said. "Why am I here? Well, I suppose all that farmtending rubbed off on me." She sighed happily. "It's kind of silly, I know."

"And so you are looking to cultivate better things for others as well then?" Naltar asked. He picked up his sandwich and took the first big bite, the flavors dancing around in his mouth and the memories of his first time having one fleeting. "I would say as long as one's heart is in the right place, there's no reason to find anything silly. We all have our reasons."

"Of course. You agree with me when I say that botany and science can help plenty of people. Think food for starving colonies, sustainable living, terraforming. Making new types of medicine. There are thousands of medicines that are derived from plants. Why not find a few more?" Kiana smiled through a mouthful of steak.

He gave a nod in agreement "Yes, that does make a lot of sense. I can't say I have a particular interest in botany myself but I certainly would be happy to help with any of the equipment or scans someone would need for it. I have to say I'm glad we have those such as yourself that enjoy studying and developing other methods, especially scientific. Although my parents are scientists, they more focus on technology rather than life."

"I'll be happy to call on you." Ki'ana replied. "You know, I hear Cardassians are renowned for their precision and attention to detail. I'm sure I'll get only the most quality scans from you. And your team. You can get me that, right?" She quipped, blinking her large lilac eyes "Me and the other science cadets."

"Of course, I'll be head of Operations so I'll make sure to schedule it accordingly for your team and do my best to calibrate everything, considering the ships age we'll see how good the hardware is on board. But my team and I will do our best. I can be quite the taskmaster at times, within reason of course." Taking another bite he couldn't help but think about how different things would be in a handful of days.

"Taskmasters are needed everywhere. You'll do fine." Ki'ana remarked. "Oh, and. If any of them don't accept you, let me know too. Again, sharp hooves." She said with a grin. "We're supposed to be better than that, I'm sure you'll agree. Have you encountered any trouble with anyone so far, by the way?"

"I'll take you up on that offer should the need arise" he replied, jokingly. We certainly are better, as for the trouble, not particularly. I do have other cadets that do take issue with me due to my people's choices and the current political climate, needless to say it has affected by dating life some but I have turned to focus on my job and studies more so instead. Hopefully you yourself haven't had much trouble."

"People somehow find bald women with hooves easier to accept than lizard people." Ki'ana remarked. "People get along with me alright, at least - though I can't say it does much for my dating life. People usually want humanoids with nice bodies and more hair. Oh, and humanoid faces." She joked. "But that's alright by me!"

Working towards the end of his sandwich, Naltar acknowledged her comments "Very true, something about the scales can be very off-putting. But that's fine by me, I like my scales. Even with things at the moment, being Cardassian, I don't think I'd have it any other way."

"And I wouldn't have my life any other way, either. I'm happy with being me." Ki'ana answered cheerfully. "I don't find you unsettling at all, though. If anything I'd say you're quite good-looking - Cardassian or not. Just know that you'll never need to feel left out or alone as long as I'm around, mkay?"

"I appreciate that" he replied "same goes for me." After taking another bite, he couldn't help but think about dessert. "If you'll allow me, I'll order us one of the best desserts in the city. And perhaps we can talk about our upcoming assignments in greater detail."

"I'd like that. Recommend me something, please? I'm down to try anything." Ki'ana smiled at him from across the table.

The Cardassian waved and got the attention of his favorite waiter and ordered something quite delectable. This in turn became the avenue to the continuation to a perfect afternoon shared between new friends....


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