Cadet Sophomore Grade Dane Pines
Name Dane Polaris Pines
Position Morale Officer
Rank Cadet Sophomore Grade
Character Information
Gender | Agendered/Non-Binary | |
Species | Changeling | |
Age | 19 / ??? |
Physical Appearance
Weight | 200 | |
Hair Color | Chestnut Brown | |
Eye Color | Green | |
Physical Description | Dane's standard presentation of himself is a tall and strapping young human male. Tall, an inverted triangle body shape, very lightly tanned skin, and a plethora of freckles. Hair well styled and perfect, a wavy chestnut brown. Brows very prominent, chestnut brown as well and thick, with a little cheeky dip near the middle. Framing their face constantly as attentive and listening. Kind downturned eyes in a field green. Bodily, it's a strong form. Thick arms and good legs, a taught stomach, and overall a very toned 'workers body'. Young and bright eyed! Honestly, he's a well crafted hunk straight off the cover of a best selling romance novella. |
Spouse | None | |
Children | None | |
Father | Atticus Vega Pines - 52 | |
Mother | Esther Gallo Pines - 55 | |
Brother(s) | None | |
Sister(s) | None | |
Other | None |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Dane is a rather unique young man. Likely both because of and in spite of his unique race. Most would describe him as a handsome human golden retriever. Always looking to please and connect with people around him. Incredibly empathetic with nearly every race he's come across, a natural choice for counselor major. Able to exercise a great amount of patience with people without enabling them. Dane really understands people. But while he's an upstanding sensitive young man, he also has a mischievous side as well. Constant steams of pranks and jokes played on his family and friends growing up. Becoming common objects just to move around and make people double take. Walking into rooms as important people in silly outfits. No end to the fun he had with his own abilities. Though he was always extremely cognizant of what might be 'too far'. Meeting in the middle of these two opposite sides is the fact that he's...well, a red blooded young man. While not experiencing puberty, his psychological need for affirmation has rendered him quite a flirt. Both before and during his time at Starfleet Academy, using his charms to court and pamper people. Both serious and casual relationships. While it's gotten him into no end of trouble, thankfully Dane abhors the idea of using his abilities to trick or coerce these kinds of interactions. Ultimately, Dane Pines is a good man. Difficult to manipulate, but a definite people pleaser. Insecure but sees the good in people. Weaknesses and strength both. For lack of a better word, very human. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | -Strengths- + Standard Starfleet training, and additional specialized training by SSC personnel for testing purposes. + Excellent interpersonal skills and empathy with most all races. Top marks in Starfleet conflict resolution testing. + Changeling 'brain'; Dane is able to instinctually retain visual and chemical / structural information at rates beyond testing range. While not eidetic or truly photographic for all fields of study, it's none the less an incredible instrument of acuity for a shape changer. Or a chemist, if he pursues a change in career. (Further testing required on process and reasoning) + Changeling abilities; Metamorphic transformation. (Testing required. Dane has been recorded able to bend standard Federation ship steel, shape blades, and increase / decrease his mass and density at will. Incredibly damage resistant to physical forces, but phaser and disruptor fire has been recorded as effective in very large doses. Theory of survival in space vacuum, but unconfirmed.) +Weaknesses+ - Psychologically vulnerable 1/2; Dane faced great issues as a singular being, and as a result of extensive isolation during testing phases. While the damage was limited due to the skills of his foster parents, it still exists. While not easily manipulated, Dane requires affirmation and is easily damaged by mistrust and detraction. Going out of his way to avoid this. - Psychologically vulnerable 2/2; Dane has also, since the discovery of other changelings, developed a complex of loyalty. A moderate intensity preoccupation with ensuring people know he is not a spy. Nor a traitor. Extreme emotional distress is noted in several interrogations since the discovery of 'The Founders'. - Radiation sensitivity; Certain waves of radiation are harmful to Dane. Testing is required, but truly dangerous due to lack of knowledge of how Dane might be treated post-testing. - Psychosomatic Requirements; Sealed in Dane's file is a document he's never seen, describing his requirements as a living organism. They are nothing. Dane does not require sleep, food, or water. His ability to experience taste, smell, and gratification are the results of intense training. But Dane is unaware and seems stand firm in denial of the facts. Certain he requires a single meal, lots of water, and at least 2 hours of sleep a night. Starfleet counselling is working on this issue slowly to avoid damage. |
Ambitions | Dane is unsure of his future path, with the cold war being what it is to him as a changeling. Dreaming of simply serving until the end of the Dominion War and revisiting it there. Dane has entertained the idea of retiring after a few years of service and going into a performative career. But also expresses interest in the good he can do as a Starfleet tactical officer. For now he answers simply 'To make friends with the crew of the USS Stardancer' |
Hobbies & Interests | While in his personal time, Dane enjoys to express himself. Mainly through visual arts, having faced moderate success with his social media art postings before enrolling at the Academy. One of the few contacts with the outside world he was allowed while undergoing testing. Beyond that, he has a great many interests. With how little he has found himself needing sleep, he kept busy trying and enjoying things that'd do well with his goal of Morale Officer. Dance, singing, massage therapy, gardening, meditation, acting, and recreational sport. Though if you truly ask him what his personal love is, he'll always return to illustration. [ Note from Dr. Durga Bansali, FSC Xeno-Sociology Division; Though he asked this to be off the record to avoid his parents seeing, Dane has also admitted to enjoying casual courtships. Admitting to several illicit relationships in his secondary education prior to joining the Academy. But you cannot have a statement be off record without signing the proper paperwork, and Dane did not. So hello Dr. Pines, if you see this as his mother, you may message my office to hold a meeting if you've any concerns about your son. ] |
Personal History | [Non-Restricted access;] Dane is the adopted son of retired security agent Atticus Vega Pines and his wife Dr. Esther Gallo Pines. Both residents of a small town by the name of Bright Falls, in the pacific northwest of Earth's North American continent. Calm, idyllic, an older way of living. While also being completely exclusive to certain families and fiercely guarded by Starfleet Security. The couple thought this the perfect place to raise their new son, and for all intents and purposes? It was a great environment. Because of his previous status as a unique being, and current status of a Federation aligned Changeling, things have never been simple. Dane underwent long periods of intensive testing, away from home. Break months spent FSC labs and testing facilities. But beyond all that? Dane's childhood was rather happy. Going to standard schooling with the other children of the town. Small class sizes meant he made a very tight knit group of friends. Children of ambassadors, security restricted individuals, captains, judges, and more. But they treated each other like any kid. Exploring the town and skirting forests on bikes, or swimming in the ocean the town settled on. Dane was a very loving child, too. Despite circumstances, he deeply bonded with his parents and loved them desperately. Attaching easily to friends as well. Middle school age, 2367, is when an incident brought to light the nature of Dane's shapeshifting abilities to the community. Already an open secret among his close group of friends, sure. But when one Judge Ibrahim Al-Mutairi caught his daughter kissing famous Deimos youth singer songwriter Calvin Alburn, the truth came out rather suddenly. Dane was harshly punished, but ultimately the community was met with FSC officials in a town hall format. The Pines family apologizing for the secrecy, and things seemed to go back to normal. Dane enjoying his simple life, studying to enter Starfleet, and slated for early entry! Until the next years happened. The discovery of a wormhole, the founders, the Dominion. Cold War. Fear spiking. Early entry into Starfleet Academy was quickly accepted as tensions spiked in that small town. Dane was no longer considered safe. Leaving his friends, and deeply relieved they continued contact with him. Studying as the human Dane Pines, the Starfleet Cadet. Under the radar, until permission was granted for him to be himself. Forced into special training and interrogations to gauge his loyalty and knowledge of the enemy. Soul crushing, definitely. But maybe because of this intense testing and his loyalty, he was assigned to his first learning post after just two years! Morale Officer Cadet of the USS Stardancer. {[[Restricted access;]]} Dane is technically an 'it', a mass of gold-orange gelatin mass that was found floating in the wreckage of a satellite in the Polaris tri-star system. Investigations concluded that it must have been in a hyper-dense form when striking the satellite, but reverted to base form shortly after. Conclusions of exhaustion upheld by events immediately upon collection. Wherein the mass attacked the crew who'd collected the wreckage for investigation and repair. Only to be subdued physically and trapped in a large plastic bin used to carry loose tools. Unable to escape it. Further hostilities were registered upon transfer to FSC custody, but were growing in difficulty to stave off as the mass recovered strength. Scans were shocking, to say the least, and the danger realized. Doubly so when staff had caught sight of co-workers faces in the mass. Thankfully, an inter-department effort was able to contain the mass and begin a wide spectrum of testing. Until members of the Psionics research team were able to confirm that while reaching out for thought or empathy was inconclusive, memory was still accessible. Years went into the project to simply force a connection to memory. Further years spent being stymied at every turn trying to modify or access data for copy. The mass showing great control. Up until a breach of security in 2348 had an unknown agent discover the project. Interfacing and attempting to gather data, the unknown agent inadvertently broke containment. While in the process of being assailed by the subject they'd freed, caused a large electrical explosion. One that resulted in the death of the agent and a subsequent psionic event. Potentially a contingency, that wiped the mind of a compromised agent. While the how is still being studied 25 years later, this strange storm of events while still hooked to the project's machinery, also wiped the subject's memory. Confirmed by analysis and testing, later. FSC security agents stormed the room to a confused human child in the room, unsure of their surroundings. Alongside the corpse of the infiltrator who's contingency had liquified their distinguishing features. This child would later be named Dane. Adopted by now retired FSC Security Chief Atticus Vega Pines and his wife Doctor Esther Gallo Pines, assigned to Dane's project the last 5 years. Further details into testing can be found in appendix 1-CH-TR |
Service Record | 2348 - 2353 Ward of Federation Science Council. 2353 - 2371 FSC Special education, training, & testing. 2371 - 2373 -Starfleet Academy- Major in Counselling Minor in Xenobiology Minor in Tactical Extracurricular: -Redacted- [Authorization Required. Received. Processing. Accepted.] Starfleet Intelligence, training program 1-CH-TR. 2373 - USS Stardancer Morale Officer Cadet. |