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Fri Oct 13th, 2023 @ 12:44am

Cadet Freshman Grade Milashynn "Mila"

Name Milashynn "Mila"

Position Security Officer

Rank Cadet Freshman Grade

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Orion
Age 19

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 150
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Tall, hour glass figure, athletic, toned, and strong


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Nezekial
Mother Jhinea
Brother(s) Brittaker (30), Jalan (28), Jhalex (25)
Sister(s) None
Other Family A lot of extended family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mila spent her teen years doing musical theater on Orion. In social situations she can be boisterous, animated, and the life of the party. She makes friends easily, and likes to surround herself with good and kind people. She did grow up on Orion, and her family has unfortunately had to endure Syndicate influence outside of her control, so she's learned to be tough, and is quick to defend herself or others.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Easygoing personality until you cross her, makes friends easily and is inclusive of everyone; Excellent singer and performer; Excellent survival skills -- street fighter, martial arts, and phaser skills

Weaknesses: Rejection sensitivity in social settings; impulsive; easily distracted when there isn't a crisis or a hard deadline
Ambitions To help win the war against the Dominion

Graduate the Academy

Become a Security Chief

Run a Special Operations Division
Hobbies & Interests Acting/Singing/Guitar/Dancing; Mixed Martial Arts; lifting weights and cardio; going out with friends and club dancing or karaoke; practical jokes

Personal History Mila’s family has been operating a large wine production business for several generations. Most of her family choose to stay in the family business, or operate as part of other well-establish Orion businesses that participate in intergalactic trade. Like most Orion businesses, her family has occasionally been pressured by the Syndicate to participate in ethically questionable activity. As Mila grew older, she questioned her family’s continued involvement placating the Syndicate. Mila has strong, patriotic feelings toward the Federation, and felt that with their help, her family should have been able to get themselves out from under the Syndicate’s rule. Her brothers taught her to defend herself and to always watch her back, so she grew up knowing how to fight, and practiced this art with diligence.

When she was a child, Mila spent most of her time in vineyards or on merchant ships. As a teenager, Mila spent a majority of her free time in musical theater to keep herself busy and away from the family business. She’s a talented singer, dancer, and actress, and performed in a few large scale productions. When she was accepted into the Academy, Mila was elated by the news, and saw this as her way to finally separate from her family, make her own way in life, and serve the Federation.

When Mila arrived at the Academy, she knew she had to study hard to be successful. Her failed first attempt at being accepted to the Academy was a humbling experience, and it motivated her to push herself harder with her studies. Mila flourished both academically and socially at the Academy. Security made the most sense in terms of what to major in, as she knew she had the natural skill set, she just needed the classwork and the training. She stood out for her natural ability in her field training exercises leading to her recruitment to the USS Stardancer.