
  • 7 Mission Posts

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Thu Oct 26th, 2023 @ 10:46am

Cadet Senior Grade David "Dave" Holloway

Name David "Dave" Holloway

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Cadet Senior Grade

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 182lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Sea Blue
Physical Description David Holloway stands at an unassuming 5'11" with a lean, 182-pound frame that carries an air of unpretentious strength. His raven-black hair, typically styled in a perpetually tousled and spiked manner, adds a touch of youthful charm to his appearance. Dave's sea-blue eyes shimmer with an oceanic depth, reflecting both his quiet introspection and the vast expanse of knowledge that lies beneath his unassuming exterior. His unassuming physical presence conceals a brilliant mind and an unwavering dedication to his role as Chief Engineer Officer aboard the USS Stardancer.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Dr. Samuel Holloway (Distinguished Scientist)
Mother Dr. Emily Holloway (Esteemed Astrophysicist)
Brother(s) Michael Holloway (Software Engineer, married with two children)
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lieutenant David Holloway is an introverted and intellectually gifted individual who thrives in the realm of technology and software. He possesses a calm and methodical demeanor, often keeping a low profile in social situations. His reserved nature conceals a brilliant mind and an unwavering dedication to his role as Chief Engineer Officer aboard the USS Stardancer.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
- Exceptional proficiency in digital and software engineering.
- Skilled at hacking and enhancing computer systems.
- Analytical problem-solving approach.
- Meticulous and detail-oriented.
- Strong dedication to duty and mission success.
- Deep knowledge of subspace theory and technology.

- Introverted and reserved, making social interactions challenging.
- May struggle with assertiveness in team leadership roles.
- Reluctance to seek the limelight or take credit for accomplishments.
- Limited experience with hands-on hardware engineering.
- Prefers solitude and quiet, which can lead to isolation in high-stress situations.
Ambitions David's primary ambition is to contribute significantly to Starfleet's mission of exploration through his expertise in engineering. He aspires to continuously improve starship technology and develop advanced software systems that enhance the efficiency and safety of interstellar travel. While not seeking the limelight, he hopes to leave a lasting legacy in the field of digital engineering.
Hobbies & Interests - Enjoying Holodeck simulations and virtual adventures.
- Solving intricate digital puzzles and challenges.
- Exploring scientific and technological advancements in his spare time.
- Occasionally experimenting with programming and coding for personal projects.

Personal History David's upbringing was marked by the influence of his parents, Dr. Samuel Holloway and Dr. Emily Holloway, both accomplished scientists. Their guidance and encouragement nurtured his passion for technology and software development. Growing up with a single sibling, his brother Michael, who is a Software Engineer, further solidified the importance of technology in their family. David's journey led him to Starfleet Academy, where he pursued his calling in digital engineering
Service Record N/A